Wow! When I started working on this article, I did not expect it would turn out to be so long. I apologize if you find it bothersome, but one has to be fair in his labor of love, right? After all, this will hopefully give you a better insight into what to expect of these products.
One of my earlier posts touched upon the need to include
some sort of organized and regular physical preparation regimen into your
training. While
that post was received with approval by several of the people
whose opinion I care for, some others were asking if there was some sort of aid
that could help them in putting together a strength & conditioning program
that would fit their need. Since all of those inquiries came from the people
from the domain of martial arts
here are my recommendations…
Yeah, the title threw me off a bit at first as well.
However, if there was ever a book whose title claims to be ultimate something,
and delivered – than this is the one! What makes it so good is the fact that
the author addresses some very important topics that are almost never seen in
other books, as well as his approach to the subject. This manual takes the
first place in this review for a reason, although the next two are good and
have something unique to offer. However, if you were to obtain any two books
mentioned here, make sure that one of them is the “Ultimate MMA Conditioning”.

Namely, from the very get go of the book, Jamieson stresses
what is probably the hallmark of his method – individual needs of each
particular athlete/fighter! Once his fundamental training philosophy is set
like that, it dictates the presentation of the material throughout out chapters
that follow. Another think is that the author believes into his
customers/readers needing to know all the WHYs of doing the things he preaches
(now you understand my inclination to this book J ). As a result, he
discusses the scientific rationale for each of the training methods he uses,
but instead of trying to sound like an authority by making it all sound beyond
the reach of a mere mortal, everything is rather nicely broken down and
simplified to the point needed for the best possible comprehension. If you
still do not get it…well, I guess you should have paid more attention during
the science classes back in school.
The book starts with the chapter that points to most common
mistakes that fighters make in attempt to work on their physical preparation,
and then progresses to laying foundation for the proper planning. To that end,
he stresses a few necessary principles:
the role of strength and conditioning; probably best
summed by Jamieson himself as “developing the ability to effectively utilize
their skills as fast and as long as possible”. If you prefer it in other words,
the best possible transfer of your training into your performance.
biological power; essential concept for having a better
look at the “bigger picture” of your training. Once you have a grasp of this,
everything else falls in place much easier.
systematic approach to physical preparation; here the
author explains how the operative systems of the body (depicted in the previous
section) work together, and what sort of developments are looked for in
cohesion, in order to make one’s training effective.
specificity of adaptation; a short section but a must
read! This is where most program will either succeed or fail, and understanding
the need for desired physiological adaptation is crucial for being in the
former group.
general adaptation syndrome; Again, why the whole is
bigger than the sum of its parts, and why your training needs to be systematic.
The second chapter is titled “Energy systems Development
101” and this is what made Jamieson probably one of the best currently most
sought-after coaches and presenters/lecturers in the field of S&C. here, he
discusses what conditioning really is, and what it means for fighting
In short, explained is the significance of the processes of energy production
and utilization, and then you have the overview of the energy systems that run
our bodies: aerobic, anaerobic lactic and anaerobic alactic.
In the third chapter, we move to the treatment of the
aerobic system. Here, the author sets the method of presentation for other
systems as well – the meaning of this system in MMA; the adaptations is requires;
methods of eliciting those adaptations (in this case, cardiac output, power
intervals, tempo method, threshold training etc).
Next comes the coverage of the anaerobic lactic system. What
I found very interesting and informative here was the report on some long held
beliefs on the nature of fatigue and how they may have been wrong. Again, we
get to understand the role of this system and
learn methods to improve on it (power intervals, capacity intervals,
circuit training…).
Following is, of course, the chapter on the anaerobic
alactic system, why and how to train it (intervals, max effort, complex method
Once all this is behind us, Jamieson moves to the “nuts and
bolts” of his training methodology, i.e. describes the programming and
management of the training process. He explains how to put the pieces together
in a coherent way. We learn that the author adheres to the so-called block
periodization approach and what it means. In practice, it translates as the
understanding of general and specific conditioning and how to order those in
Chapter seven describes the realization of one’s general
training program. It starts with basic programming guidelines, such as: training
to maximize strengths and minimize weaknesses; training right motor qualities
together; testing, assessing and tracking your progress; integration of your
fitness regimen with your skill work; using the 8 week block system.
From there on, the specific blocks are presented, each
specifying the methods to assess and develop:
general endurance
general strength
explosive speed and power
Naturally, what comes next is the info on the application of
the accumulated knowledge in training – designing individual programs,
selecting means and methods, organizing loads to attain desired effects,
managing volume and intensity, avoiding and recovering from overtraining.
Finally, we move to the specific conditioning section in
chapter eight, or as the book has it titled “Getting Ready to Fight”. Again,
Jamieson first lays the foundational principles, and then proceeds to the
training of specific physical qualities in the proper order. The final section
of this chapter gives the overall plan of how to conduct your preparation
during the week of the fight, thus tackling the issues such as making weight,
resting and recovering and maintaining the results you had achieved thus far.
Since the publishing of this book, Joel Jamieson has
introduced even more progressive insights in personal fitness and athletic
training (just search for HRV training on the Internet), but the material
presented in the book will certainly take you to the new level of your own
training, like it did for guys like Rich Franklin, Jens Pulver, Demetrious
Johnson and many other top-level fighters.
To order the manual and also learn loads of good things on
training, check out the author’s website
NOTICE: this book does not offer any “easy to follow”
sample workout plans and routines, nor are the exercises and training methods
sown in big pictures! Also, there is no mention of how to organize any single
training session, i.e. warm up, stretching etc. having in mind the declared
purpose of the manual – it delivers, no doubt about it…just make sure to know
what you are expecting out of it.
Before Martin Rooney, the physical preparation in the domain
of MMA was almost in the stone age phase. His work with Renzo Gracie’s team has
set the standards of what a good, properly executed S&C training regimen
should look like, and now the sport is what it is largely owing to that.
Being that it was written and published before the previous
book, in the time what a lot of people in MMA (and martial arts in general)
were pretty much clueless about the advances in modern sports training,
Ronney’s book is profusely illustrated, and in certain aspects, covers more
ground than Jamieson’s.
Firs three chapters actually give an overview of what MMA is
and what are the overall technical requirements form a competent fighter, which
should also start shedding some light on the complexity of training that it
demands. In the fourth chapter, we are instructed that all of the training
methods to be presented can be realized without any equipment, but then the
authors recommends a few implements in order to maximize your training
(barbells and dumbbells, medicine and physio balls, dragging sled, pull-up bars
Then, we go to more specific stuff. Rooney first touches
upon an area that everybody seems to be taking for granted – mental aspect. Here,
we see what makes a warrior (nowadays, this term has been so overused that I
cringe at it, but this is what the book calls it), because these elements will
dictate whether the trainee will even engage in this sort of training, and if
they do, how far they will be ready to push themselves.
Next in line is a warm up section. This is another segment
that everybody knows is important, yet this is the most often the one to “just
get it over with”. Well, if you want to do it properly, follow along with this
chapter. It shows the stationary exercises, movement drills, muscle activation
exercises (more important that many people will think), often neglected upper
body warm ups – without tools and with medicine ball.
From there on, the author addresses the physical training in
a way that many people are best accustomed to. He divides the body in parts and
then describes how to train each – neck; chest and shoulders; arm and hand;
back; abs; heart and lung (yes, it’s the conditioning part); hips; glutes and
quads; hamstrings; foot and ankle. What this achieves is that different needs
are addressed, depending on the body parts. For example, some chapters will
include both mobility and strength exercises.
The chapter on flexibility training comes as a separate one,
but presented in a similar manner like the previous ones, although the entire
body is run through the exercises in the same chapter.
The next section of the book moves to training programs, and
it opens up with important, yet frequently misunderstood topics of weight
cutting and nutrition, and in a rather detailed manner. If you are actually
training for fights, you seriously need this info.
The chapter on injuries is an excellent one! Now, we’ve all
had some, and probably even have to deal with reoccurring ones, and Ronney
offers a strategy of dealing with injuries in the form of a list. Without going
into all ten of them, I feel there are at least two that are absolutely necessary
to really take to heart:
- Accept
that the injury has happened, and move forward;
- (actually
number 9 in his list) Develop a list of things that the injury is trying
to tell you.
Finally, we come to the program of “Warrior Workouts”. It
also happens to be a program of eight weeks, but presented as a ready made
plan, describing every workout of every week. The system is based on 4 weekly
workouts – one upper body; one lower body; and two of what the author calls
hurricane sessions.
Of course, not each and every single one of those sessions
has to be executed absolutely to the last detail. The logistics you have on
disposal will play a major role in your ability to realize some of those, but
that is why all of the chapters on particular body parts have exercises that
are done without any equipment, as well as those with various tools, so you
could try to replace the listed ones with something that should hopefully
achieve similar effect.
If you are a beginner in this field of training, Ronney’s
books may be a better starting pint than Jamieson’s. However, if you take your
training seriously, and especially if you are aiming to be a coach, at one
point you will need to develop the kind of understanding that is provided by
Training for Warriors – the Team Renzo Gracie Workout
OK, obviously this book builds on and draws heavily from the
“main” manual, but some of the info is presented in a way that I liked a little
bit better, plus there are some chapters that deal with topics that were not
mentioned in the previous.
Without going into too much detail, there are valuable
insights into the areas such as punching speed and plyometric training; role of
the cornerman in a fight; strategy analysis; additional (excellent) info about
injuries; conditioning to taking impact from your opponent’s strikes; lessons
from competition; motivation; Q&A chapter etc.
This book, at some 190 pages is smaller than the “main”
manual (over 300), but I feel it has enough of good information (almost like
being there with them, watching the training process) in there to be worthy of
adding it to your library.
Rooney’s books used to be widely available from most online
bookshops, and I guess they should not be too hard to find.
Jason Ferruggia – FITTO FIGHT
Let me get out with the thing I do not like about this book.
Ferruggia’s writing style at moments tries to hard to portray the tough mo-fo
vernacular that may be characteristic of some MMA fighters (and probably even
more so among the fans), but in a book it can get a bit corny fairly quickly.
Other than that, this book is very good. It covers all the
bases it needs to (although, just like Rooney, the conditioning aspect focuses
almost entirely on the anaerobic work. Jamieson really shines in explaining the
importance and problems of neglecting the aerobic portion), starting with the
author’s view on what makes a good combat athlete; moving onto assessment and
injury prevention; proceeding with conditioning part; following is the chapter
on strength training; then speed and explosive strength; through nutrition.

The approach to these topics is, naturally, different then
in the previous books, but still well thought out and presented. For example,
the assessment and testing chapter is excellent, giving a very good insights
into what a trainee NEEDS to work on, instead of what they WANT to work. The
conditioning section is realized entirely with bodyweight exercises, in the
form of circuits and/or interval training, so that eliminates most of the
logistics issues that some people whine about.
Now, the strength chapter is interesting…and titled
“Strongman Training”. That is because for this purpose Ferruggia recommends the
use of equipment such as sandbags, kegs, sledgehammers, dragging sleds and
tractor tires. Some coaches see it as a gimmick and a fad, but in my own view
it has at least two advantages – it’s affordable and it introduces some novelty
into training. The former is self explanatory and the latter is very welcome
for people who are struggling to find motivation for additional training. With
these implements the fun aspect seems to be stronger, hence helping the
That said, the author most certainly does not shun from the
use of barbells and dumbbells. They come in as a staple of his approach to explosive
power and speed, as depicted in the designated section of the book, along with
ply boxes, medicine balls etc. Like in Ronney’s book, Ferrugia also gives the
planned workouts to follow. Again, good for a fighter who has no S&C coach,
nor inclination to learn that part of the craft; not all that good in the long
It bears saying that Ferruggia’s professional background is
in fitness training, and the man has gained, deservedly so, quite a following
and reputation in that domain. This foundation really comes out well in the
chapter on nutrition…
…but absolutely shines in the one dealing with supplements!
Like it or not, hordes of people, on various level of training, are using
those. Like so many others, the author underlines the necessity for a good diet,
but on the highest levels of MMA training the demand on the body is tremendous,
so it is much better to have some practical and coherent info on enhancing your
eating plan, than listening to hearsay stories from “a friend of my buddy, who
dates a sister of this dude who…”, you know how these things can get out of
Finally, my favorite section of this book is dedicated to
the recovery and regeneration from training. It is also the one that makes this
book unique comparing to the previously reviewed. By know, everybody should be
aware that the desired adaptations of the body come from training, but during
the resting periods. With so many people training in a haphazard manner, with
the only guideline being the overused principle of “no pain, no gain”, it’s no
winder many of them end up finding their performance being worse from all the
training, instead of improving. Ferrugia provides some extremely valuable
advice and guidance here, especially for the people who like/need a proactive
approach to recovery. Be warned though – you will not like all the methods he
The “Fit to Fight” is also widely available throughout the
Internet, both in printed and electronic formats, so you should not have any
trouble getting a copy.
Other worthy mentions
The above books and authors are certainly not the only out
there to deal with the subject that concerns us here. They are, nevertheless,
the ones I have found most adequate to be used in one’s training with good
transfer to specific performance requirements. Keep in mind a couple of things,
though – this review is still a PERSONAL opinion, and only speaking of the
products I have seen and used so far. Be as it may, there are a couple more
books you may want to check out.
This is book was published quite long ago, before the above
ones, so the treatment of the topic is…well, consequent. Namely, the training
methods presented in this one may not be cutting-edge and resulting from direct
interaction with top-level competitors in a sport as physically demanding as
MMA, but there are some other dimensions that make it a valuable read. First, it
may appeal much better to all those people who do martial arts/sports other
than MMA. For them, Staley does a beautiful job out of explaining the need
to include some sort (preferably well organized) of physical preparation in
their overall training. Second, with its design based on the so-called
concurrent periodization, it possibly provides a better long term base for
younger practitioners and those competing in sports that boil down to one or
two tournaments a year.
Like all of his other works, this manual is written in a
very straightforward fashion and with hands-on attitude in mind. What I liked
about it is the approach from the standpoint of movement patterns (hinge,
squat, pushing, pulling), as well as the treatment of topics such as breathing
while exercising and grip training. For amateur fighters, who do not have
either time or resources/access to logistics, this is a nice and handy book.

It was with heavy heart that I put this one in the “lower
ranks” of this review. You see, I really like everything written by Ross
Enamait, because it is very hard, if not impossible, to find a guy who attacks
his subject with so much honesty and directness. The man himself was fighter
and trains other fighters, so all his info is tried and tested. Speaking of
which, it applies to any of his books, and you simply cannot go wrong with
Enamait. However, I think he could use an advisor when it comes to putting a
finishing touch on his products. The presentation, in technical terms, is not
up to par with the information he gives. Anyway, the high point of this book is its emphasis on
training the motor qualities, and using various tools as means to an end. In
the days when so many people are obsessed with the tool (be it kettlebells,
Bulgarian bags, resistance bands, what have you), it is really refreshing to
see this kind of emphasis on getting the job done!
This is what I had in mind in the first note.
While all three main books reviewed are aimed primarily at the performance in
MMA, once you understand the material therein, you should be able to apply it
for your own needs.